
Fs goes shopping in Greece

Acquisition of Trainose, the Greek railway transport company, for 45 million euros – The closing of the operation is expected in the coming weeks, after the green light from the European Union.

FS Italiane today acquired Trainose, the Greek railway transport company. The agreement was signed by the CEO and general manager of FS Italiane, Renato Mazzoncini, and the CEO of the Hellenic Republic Asset Fund – HRAF, Antonis Leousis.

In July 2016, FS Italiane was declared a "preferred investor" by HRAF, which had accepted the economic offer of 45 million euro. The closing of the transaction is expected in the coming weeks, after the green light from the European Union.

"The acquisition of Trainose represents an opportunity for growth and development both for FS Italiane, which thus continues its expansion abroad, and for the Greek railways, which will be able to count on FS' know-how and experience - declared Renato Mazzoncini – Today's operation is in full harmony with the provisions of the 2017-2026 Business Plan, which sees Europe as the domestic market of reference and which aims to quadruple the turnover from foreign activities, reaching over 4 billion euros euro in 2026. The acquisition of Trainose comes just a few days after that of NXET, the UK company that manages the C2C service, from London to the coasts of Essex. We are very proud of these successes, which pave the way for further achievements”.

Trainose is the main railway operator in Greece and provides suburban, regional, national and international freight and passenger transport services, including logistics services. In 2015 it transported 16 million people, with 130 million in revenues and a profit of 2,7 million: the company has been in economic equilibrium since 2013. Trainose has 670 employees, around 1.100 locomotives and leased trains, and runs around 300 trains a day. The main line is the Athens – Thessaloniki.
