Change at the top of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) and Trenitalia, the two major subsidiaries of the State Railways. For RFI the novelty is double, because not only does the top management change but for the first time the management of the Network is entrusted to an all-women ticket with the appointment of Anna Masutti to the presidency and of Vera Fiorani as the new Chief Executive Officer.
Also new for Trenitalia: at the top of the company that manages the Frecce arrive Michael Meta, former parliamentarian of the Democratic Party, e Louis Corradi in the CEO chair.
After quite a few internal tensions, the line of the CEO of Fs, Gianfranco Battisti, essentially prevailed, who for some time had been thinking of a replacement of the top management of the subsidiaries in the name of renewal and enhancement in fact of the female managerial presence in command posts.
A note from FS explains that “the first meetings of the new administrative boards of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana and Trenitalia will be held in the next few days, following the appointment by the assembly. The administrators - adds the note - will have all the operational powers ".