
Fridays for Future: with Greta second global strike for the climate

On Friday 24 May, the second climate strike returns to 119 countries. It all started with Greta Thunberg and her famous “Skolstrejk för klimatet” (school strike for climate) sign.

Fridays for Future: with Greta second global strike for the climate

Today, Friday 24 May, the green wave inspired by Greta Thunberg returns to the streets of 1693 cities and 119 countries. The popularity of the young Swedish activist who carries her “Skolstrejk för klimatet” (School Strike for Climate) sign around the world has transcended national borders and inspired a global movement. The purpose of these mobilizations is to make world governments aware of their responsibilities on the issue of the climate emergency and global warming.

Protesters today protest against global institutions to fully implement the Paris accords in 2015, a radical intervention on CO2 emissions and greater investments in renewable energy. 

On the occasion of the first edition, which took place in about 180 Italian squares on 15 March, more than 400 thousand people gathered. Worldwide, however, almost 2 million. The organizers today aim to surpass that number. Two appointments are scheduled for today in Milan: the student procession will start at 9:30 from Largo Cairoli, the city demonstration instead, at 18 pm again from Largo Cairoli.

Greta Thunberg on April 19, on the occasion of her denunciation tour, chose Rome as the Italian stage. Indeed today, Rome will be the other epicenter of climate protest. The event will start at 10 from Piazza della Repubblica and will see the participation of the geologist Mario Tozzi and the climatologist Antonello Pasini. Other events will be held in Bologna, Naples, Florence and Taranto.

“More than one million and 800 thousand young people in 2350 cities and 125 countries around the world. What a great strike! Congratulations to all! Now imagine the impact we could have if we mobilized not just schools, but all sectors of the economy. Let's do it with the second global strike,” the organizers declared on the official Facebook event.

Also on the occasion of the electoral campaign for the European elections on 26 May, the lists present at the polls included the requests of Fridays for Future activists in their programme, given that, at the moment, the issue of the climate emergency is one of the most discussed topics.
