
France, in 2012 zero growth and almost 70 job losses

Particularly negative, according to the latest data published by Insee, was the fourth quarter of last year, in which the GDP even contracted by 0,3%.

France, in 2012 zero growth and almost 70 job losses

The French economy stagnated in 2012. Particularly negative, according to the latest data published by Insee, was the fourth quarter of last year, in which the GDP even contracted by 0,3%. An unexpected negative result, which therefore leads the transalpine gross domestic product to exactly zero growth over the 12-month period, recording only the second quarter with a plus sign.

All this while Germany recorded +0,7%, and considering that now the forecasts for 2013, as stated by Minister Pierre Moscovici, will necessarily have to be revised downwards. Also according to Insee, it also found that in calendar year 2012, 66.800 salaried jobs were eliminated across the country, particularly in the industrial sector which lost 0,4% (0,3% for construction).
