
France, here is the bank of the poor

All you need to do is go to your newspaper seller or to the tobacconist near your home: the initiative comes from Hugues Le Bret, former director of communications at Société Générale and the online credit institution Boursorama.

France, here is the bank of the poor

Eleven million euros for the less well-off, to be distributed through newsstands and tobacconists: it was established in France the “bank of the poor”, on the initiative of Hugues Le Bret, former director of communications at Société Générale and the Boursorama online credit institution.

The news is revealed by the business newspaper the new account is called “Compte-Nickel”, will start with a basic capital (approved by the transalpine electronic payment finance company) of 11 million euros and will be accessible to all.

“The current account – explained Le Bret – can be opened in 5 minutes, without any guarantee of income, deposit or assets, and without any discrimination". Simply go to your newspaper retailer or to the tobacconist near your home.
