
Francesco Caputo Nassetti lawyer of the year

The recognition of the Italian banking & finance community was attributed to Caputo Nassetti during a ceremony organized (on 31 March) at the headquarters of the Milan Stock Exchange by the "Alma Iura" Banking and Financial Training and Legal Studies Centre, active in the dissemination of judgments, publications and analyzes on the banking sector and financial markets.

Francesco Caputo Nassetti lawyer of the year

To the lawyer Francesco Caputo Nassetti (59 years old) the LOY 2016 award – Lawyer of the Year (Lawyer of the Year) “for the innovation of some of his proposals on NPL matters and for the intense arbitration activity in financial matters”.

Caputo Nassetti (59), professor of Banking Law at the University of Ferrara and CEO of the Swiss Merchant Corporation, is one of the leading experts in derivative contracts and non-performing loans. 

The recognition of the Italian banking & finance community was attributed to Caputo Nassetti during a ceremony organized (on 31 March) at the headquarters of the Milan Stock Exchange by the "Alma Iura" Banking and Financial Training and Legal Studies Centre, active in the dissemination of judgments, publications and analyzes on the banking sector and financial markets.

Former Deputy General Manager of Banca Commerciale Italiana and Banca Intesa, Caputo Nassetti became General Manager of the Global Markets Italy Division of Deutsche Bank in 2003 and Senior Advisor for Eastern Europe of Deutsche Bank London in 2006. Since 2015 he has been a member of the Swiss Merchant Corporation (Lugano), a financial consultancy firm specializing in extraordinary corporate transactions and from January to October 2016 he was a member of the board of directors of Cassa di Risparmio di Cesena.

In parallel with his banking activity, the lawyer Caputo Nassetti taught private law for nine years at the Bocconi University in Milan, collaborating with various legal journals for the drafting of articles and comments on sentences. Among his most recent publications "The bankable contract" published by Giuffrè in 2017 for the series "Quaderni di giurisprès commerciali".

His is also the scheme designed to lighten the balance sheets of Italian banks from the weight of "non-performing loans" which have reached a total value of around 360 billion euros. The solution developed by Caputo Nassetti is an alternative to both the en bloc transfer of NPLs to market operators and in-house management and jointly exploits two instruments which, individually, would produce no benefit: the securitization of non-performing loans through a loan from the company vehicle and the demerger of the bank concerned.

The details of this solution were analyzed by Bank of Italy and the ECB and drew the attention of some members of the Finance Commissions of the Chamber and Senate and of the ABI. Icbpi analysts also highlighted that <>.

Caputo Nassetti is the sole director of the Medontis financial consultancy company and carries out entrepreneurial activities in the photovoltaic, hydroelectric, real estate and marketing of "LED" technology sectors.
