The noose tightens around the French Prime Minister Michel Barnier whose Government is now numbered and on the brink of collapse. The turning point came today with the announcement of the far-right leader, Marine Le Pen, to prepare to present the feared motion of censure. Exactly as the leader of the far left had done in recent days, Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Once again, therefore, the parallel convergences of opposing populisms they meet and make it ungovernable French, which not surprisingly recorded one of the worst performances today MY BAG of Europe.
Le Pen accuses Barnier of not having taken up the requests and suggestions of his political party on the state budget that must take into account the stringent rules of the European Union. But these are specious arguments because the clash is not on the merits of individual budget measures but is of a general nature and takes into account Le Pen's intention to provoke a government crisis before the judiciary makes her ineligible for the next presidential elections for the use of European reimbursements for party purposes. We will now see what the Popular Front: if he wants to support Le Pen's far right in order to put Barnier and the President of the Republic in difficulty Emmanuel Macron, even at the risk of a serious financial crisis, or if he will have a surge of responsibility and will seek other (unlikely) solutions, reopening the doors to a possible premiership of the socialist CazeneuveThe orientation of the former socialist Head of State seems to be going in this direction, Francois hollande, who has already said he does not want to approve any motion of censure against the Government. But Mélenchon seems inclined to converge on the motion of no confidence against Le Pen.
The next few hours will be decisive for France. The parliamentary vote is scheduled for Wednesday.