
Forza Italia: "We will not die Northern League". The recomposition of the centre-right is difficult

To get to the ballot with Renzi and in Grillo's place in the next general elections, the center-right must reunite and Salvini has already mortgaged the leadership, but the Berlusconians are not at all willing to give up: "We cannot live with those who preach an exit from the euro” – “Not even the old MSI used slogans like those of Salvini”.

Forza Italia: "We will not die Northern League". The recomposition of the centre-right is difficult

When Silvio Berlusconi is at stake, it is useless to make predictions, because man has accustomed us to somersaults and therefore no one would swear on the impossibility of reunifying the various souls of the center-right in view of the next political elections to go to the ballot against Renzi in place by Grillo.

Nothing is impossible, but in the aftermath of the Regionals which sanctioned the success of the League and Matteo Salvini, the gap between the Berlusconians and the Northern League is very deep and in Forza Italia nobody wants to hear about the primaries. But above all, it gave the Forza Italia general staff a lot of annoyance to hear Salvini claim that he is "ready to challenge Silvio Berlusconi too in the new center-right" to then contend for the premiership with Matteo Renzi.

To date it seems very difficult to replicate on a national scale the alliance between Forza Italia and the League which in the Regionals allowed the center-right to win in the Veneto and, surprisingly, in Liguria. But from here to the political elections, who knows…

What is certain is that the discontent that is mounting among the Berlusconians against Salvini is very high. "We cannot coexist - one hears Forza Italia say - with those who preach an exit from the euro". And again: "Not even the old MSI used slogans like those of Salvini".

Only the group leader of Forza Italia in the Chamber, Renato Brunetta, would be ready to sacrifice himself for the holy alliance with the League, but even his party colleagues know that Brunetta is usually a guarantee of failure. And for now they don't seem willing to listen to him. Even if in the end it will once again be Berlusconi who decides. For or against Salvini.
