
Fornero: we will change super-Inps and Inail governance

“We will bring this result home by the end of the legislature” – As for pensions, “a new reform or new cuts are absolutely not necessary” – Arrow at the unions on the exodus issue: “The government has tackled the problem with realism and a sense of responsibility. I would like everyone to demonstrate the same."

Fornero: we will change super-Inps and Inail governance

“The Government is ready” a change the governance system of social security and assistance institutions, from super-Inps to Inail, "and is also ready to discuss which is the best legislative instrument to bring this result home within the legislature". This was assured today by the Minister of Labour, Elsa Fornero, in a hearing at the bicameral Commission for the control of social security institutions.

“This need to change governance – Fornero explained – arises not from an abstract problem, but from a concrete problem that the current governance model has shown. There is convergence between the results of the commission and the bill signed by the chairman of the Labor commission of the Chamber”.

As for pensions, “a new reform or new cuts are absolutely not necessary – added the minister, replying to the recent controversy over the INPS accounts following the unification with the INPDAP -. The reform has reduced the hump of pension expenditure in relation to GDP and there is no need for new interventions”.

A check made by the INPS shows "the payment of 100% of the amount due" by the public administrations: "That there is a deficit of the INPDAP - Fornero said again - is nothing new".

Finally, the issue of exodus: “The government has tackled the problem with realism and a sense of responsibility – claimed Fornero -. I would like everyone to demonstrate the same." To the unions, who organized a demonstration in front of Montecitorio on 9 October to urge the government to solve the problem of expatriates, the minister replied that "the problem was not created by the government, but we want to face it with the awareness that it is people".
