
Former Ilva: Quaranta is the commissioner of the steel group. A single shock absorber for the armature. We are looking for buyers

Turning point for the former Ilva. The Government has appointed engineer Quaranta as Sole Commissioner with the aim of guaranteeing production continuity, the relaunch and sale of the steel group from which the multinational ArcelorMittal is leaving the scene

Former Ilva: Quaranta is the commissioner of the steel group. A single shock absorber for the armature. We are looking for buyers

Giancarlo Quaranta, engineer and former Ilva manager, is the sole commissioner chosen by Government to manage the steel group. This was announced today by the Minister of Business and Made in Italy, Adolo Urso. The appointment of a single Commissioner marks a turning point in the troubled history of the former Ilva after the public shareholder (Invitalia) had taken note of the defaults of the controlling private partner (ArcelorMittal) and had asked the Government to initiate the procedures for the extraordinary administration of the steel group. The multinational's obstructionist attempt to reach an agreement with reservations was to no avail. For the Government there is no more time to waste and it was time for it to wake up.

“The extraordinary administration – said the Minister of Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso – prevails over any other procedure and that is what we will do." And at least for once the Government has kept its word by appointing the sole Commissioner of the former Ilva who will be responsible for guaranteeing production continuity and attempting to relaunch and sell the steel group, within which there is the Taranto, which is the largest steel factory in Europe. The Government aims to sell the former Ilva through a tender, even if it is aware of the technical-procedural difficulties, starting from the release of the plants from seizure. “Numerous Italian and foreign investors have already come forward” added Urso. We'll see but the speed of the sale is essential.

In the meantime, faced with the concerns of companies and unions, the Government has promised a unique shock absorber for related industries. Unions' satisfaction with the exit of ArcelorMittal, brought to the former Ilva by Government Count, but strong attention to rescue procedures and times,
