
Formaticum: the exhibition of Italian dairy rarities in Rome

Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 May the protagonists are small companies that stand out for quality work, respect for the environment, product care and animal feed

Formaticum: the exhibition of Italian dairy rarities in Rome

Small Italian cheese producers will be the protagonists on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 May of Formaticum, the exhibition of Italian cheese and dairy rarities, an essential event for all cheese enthusiasts, sector operators and restaurateurs to get to know precious artisan dairy realities scattered around for the peninsula. The event will be held in the frame of Palazzo Wegil in Rome

“This edition - says Vincenzo Mancino, an expert connoisseur of the production and processing of dairy products and organizer of Formaticum - is particularly important precisely for the moment we are going through, the pandemic has put some daily aspects connected to agriculture in the spotlight. Everyone remembered that food products derive from an agricultural process and if this is interrupted the whole food chain stops.

Agricultural processes that are often not known, either due to bad information or due to lack of curiosity on the part of consumers. Today the war makes us discover that the words "Italian wheat" do not always correspond to the truth and that we buy all the seed oil elsewhere, with agriculture showing itself so ready to do its part by taking back the role that it competes, but also showing its fragility, conditioned by all the negative things man produces with his actions and consequences. Without water there is no forage and without forage there is no healthy breeding and healthy milk. without it there will be no good cheeses. Small companies, thanks to their controlled supply chain, sometimes manage to save themselves but when the whole world imposes its conditions, they are the first to die.”

Carefully selected by the organizers, the production realities present at the market exhibition are characterized by the quality work, respect for the environment, product care starting with animal feed che supplies the milk, the fight against the standardization and homologation of tastes. During the event there will be training moments, insights and news to be savored.

“Formaticum wants to be the voice of the childrenoli, of those who often have to shout to be heard. Among these producers - adds Mancino - there are many women who in a purely male context not only have to scream but often have to die to be respected as entrepreneurs! AGITU was the martyr and we don't want to hear this tragic news anymore. Formaticum will continue to be not only the first container of true Italian excellence in Rome but also of real stories of dairy resistance ".
