
Pitchforks, Guarantor for strikes and Viminale: "zero tolerance"

The Sap police union has expressed the fear of "infiltrators, even violent ones" - The leader Ferro: "We will be the first to defend ourselves from possible infiltrators" - Tension in Turin, a carabiniere slightly injured.

Pitchforks, Guarantor for strikes and Viminale: "zero tolerance"

“The principle we will apply will be that of zero tolerance”. This was assured by the Guarantor of the strikes, Roberto Alesse, speaking on Radio 24 of the protest of the Pitchfork Movement, carried out by some acronyms of the road haulage industry.

“Everything that is happening on a national scale makes us understand that the country runs the risk of slipping along a dangerous ridge - continued Alesse - which sees social unease pouring, more and more, on the level of the non-functioning of essential public services. The answers are, objectively, still weak and not very effective, despite the efforts being made on the government side".

Even the Interior Ministry has said it will use "zero tolerance" and the Sap police union has expressed fear of "infiltrators, even violent ones". Mariano Ferro, leader of the Movement, said: “We will be the first to defend ourselves from any infiltrators. I'm afraid, I'm the first to fear because mafia infiltrations, infiltrations by right-wing or left-wing extremists don't do us any good, they do the system a favor".

Today's demonstration involved the whole country (more than 100 principals), but the most difficult moments were recorded in Turin, where the demonstration degenerated into Piazza Castello and the Palazzo della Regione was subject to a massive rocket launch and smoke bombs, with the police busy pushing back the demonstrators. A policeman was slightly injured in the leg. In the morning, the demonstrators had occupied the tracks at Porta Susa, disrupting the railway traffic.

"The Pitchfork Movement is an association of farmers, shepherds, breeders tired of disinterest when not of mistreatment by the institutions", reads the Movement's Facebook page.
