
Fonsai, shareholders will vote against Ligresti and Marchionni

The president of the company and the former CEO would be accused of having received a maxi-fee of 42 million euros for real estate consultancy – And the liability action could be directed towards them, which will be voted on in the next Fonsa meeting by the end September.

Fonsai, shareholders will vote against Ligresti and Marchionni

The Fonsai saga continues. And the first rumors about the alleged ones begin addressees of the liability action that the Fonsai assembly will be called to vote by the end of September. According to MF, this will be addressed to company president, Savior Ligresti, accused of corruption for the maxi-fee of 42 million received for alleged real estate consultancy. Accomplice the former managing director Fausto Marchionni, who allegedly played a central role in agreeing the payments, and who left the company last year with a severance pay of 11 million despite the delicate financial conditions in which the company was pouring.

Yesterday the Board of Fondiaria-Sai re-approved the first quarter accounts in light of the bankruptcy of the Sinergia and Imco holdings and approved the prospectus of the capital increase which could be sent to Consob on the same day. The Commission will now have to rule on the exemption from the takeover bid for Milano Assicurazioni, as requested by unipol. Then, by Monday 9, the capital increases could start.

In compliance with what was requested by the judicial guardian of the two companies, the board also started examining the new offer from Sator and Palladio and decided to convene a new meeting to evaluate the offer. But the board lets it be known that it "in any case intends to follow up the execution of the increase even in the meantime" of what was requested by the custodian. Meanwhile, the company's situation deteriorates. In particular, there was a deterioration in the net result for the first quarter of 44,5 million to 29,1. Consequentially the solvency ratio fell from 91,6 pct to 89,6 pct.

One hour after the opening of Piazza Affari, the Fondiaria Sai share loses 2,26% at 86,5 euros per share. On the other hand, Unipol shares were on positive ground with +0,33% at €17,99 per share. 
