
Fonsai, Mediobanca knocks on private funds

Piazzetta Cuccia, advisor and major creditor of the Ligresti family company, has already made contact with Clessidra, Unipol, Cattolica and Vittoria to create a network of funds capable of supporting the company - Losses exceed 900 million and last Friday the Board decided on a capital increase of 750 million.

Fonsai, Mediobanca knocks on private funds

The Fonsai dossier is now prominently displayed on many desks. Last Friday, the Board of Directors launched a capital increase of 750 million euros. After the umpteenth cleaning operation from which they will emerge losses of 925 million (net of the tax burden), the company will have to try to sell what can be sold, an almost desperate mission these days, or proceed tout court with a request for 750 million which the Ligresti family will not be able to meet. For this they have already been contacted byMediobanca advisor (fresh from the success of the Bpm operation, another apparently impossible mission) private companies such as Clessidra, companies such as Unipol, Cattolica and Vittoria.

However, it will be necessary to proceed with the establishment of one roped party, which is not easy because partners linked to Generali must be excluded for antitrust reasons. Equally difficult is the transfer to a foreign company, also because, beyond the tricolor proclamations, we do not see this great interest in entering the Italian business, given the prospects of our economy.

