
Fonsai, Cimbri: application for seizure of Ligresti assets presented

In addition to Salvatore Ligresti and his two children Giulia Maria and Jonella, the former vice president Antonio Talarico and the former CEO Fausto Marchionni are also in the crosshairs - When Ligresti's third son, Gioacchino Paolo, "was not the notification because, as we learned from the newspapers, he is now also a Swiss citizen".

Fonsai, Cimbri: application for seizure of Ligresti assets presented

The new administration of Fondiaria Sai presented an "application for seizure of assets" against the former vice president Antonio Talarico, the former CEO Fausto Marchionni, Salvatore Ligresti and his two children Giulia Maria and Jonella. The current managing director, Carlo Cimbri, confirmed this during the assembly of the insurance company, specifying that the Court of Milan will express its opinion on the seizure on August 6th. 

Cimbri then reiterated that Fonsai "carried out the asset checks on the income that could be attacked, obviously with the means we have at our disposal". When Ligresti's third son, Gioacchino Paolo, "was not notified - explained the CEO - because, as we learned from the newspapers, he is now also a Swiss citizen and not only a resident of Switzerland". In any case, "further actions" will be proposed should other responsibilities of the Ligresti emerge following new investigations.

At the beginning of the afternoon, Fonsai's share on the Stock Exchange hovers around parity. 
