
Mps Foundation, 2010 in red. On Mediobanca, still no decision

It is the first deficit in its history, a deficit of 128,4 million euros – Mancini, president of the Foundation, has assured that nothing has yet been decided on the stake in Mediobanca.

Mps Foundation, 2010 in red. On Mediobanca, still no decision

   It is the first red closure of an annual balance sheet by the Monte dei Paschi di Siena Foundation, which controls 48% of Mps. It closed 2010 with a deficit of 128,4 million euros.
   This was admitted by Gabriello Mancini, president of the Foundation. “The first reason – he explained – was the lack of dividends in 2010 from our transferee bank, due to a decision to improve the accounts. And for a wise choice of capital strengthening”. The other reason "is the effort to adhere to the capital increase, with the need to allocate 150 million to the stock fluctuation fund". “It's a difficult time – added Mancini -, it's a time of austerity, which will pass”. As for the possibility that MPS sells its stake in Mediobanca, the president of the Foundation, which controls the bank, said he has not yet taken any decision.
