
IMF: deficit/GDP ratio in Italy equal to 3,2%. The Government estimates 3,1%

The International Monetary Fund estimates that 2013 will close for Italy with a deficit/GDP ratio of 3,2%. The estimate made by the Italian government is different, which forecasts a year end at 3,1%. The discrepancy is the result of a different assessment of the Imu operation by the two institutions.

The numbers of the deficit/GDP ratio in Italy for 2013 are different, according to the estimates of the International Monetary Fund and the Italian Government. For the Fund, in fact, the share at the end of the year will be equal to 3,2%, while the Government expects 3,1%. This is what appears to Radiocor del Sole 24 Ore.

The data for the 2014 forecasts are also in contrast: the IMF estimates a drop in the deficit/GDP ratio to 2,2%, compared to the Italian executive which forecasts a 2,3%. The difference between Washington and Rome on the deficit/GDP ratio is due this year to the different assessment of the Imu operation.

And according to information leaked in recent days, the GDP trend should be as follows: -1,8% this year and 0,7% next year for the International Monetary Fund, -1,7% this year and +1% next year for the Italian government.
