
IMF: Lagarde, "we respect the ECB, she has the situation under control"

Christine Lagarde, number one of the IMF, commented on the apparent divergence between the Washington institute and the European Central Bank, declaring that for the unconventional interventions envisaged by Frankfurt "it is only a matter of time" – Dialogue with the European authorities is constant and the ECB has full control of the situation.

IMF: Lagarde, "we respect the ECB, she has the situation under control"

“We have constant dialogue with the European authorities and we respect the ECB which has the situation under control”.

Thus Christine Lagarde, number one of the International Monetary Fund, commented on the apparent divergence between the Washington institute and the European Central Bank, to which the Fund has advised on several occasions to adopt unconventional measures to avoid deflation in the Eurozone .

"It's only a matter of time" added the former French finance minister, who said she was satisfied with the fact that "in the last meeting [of the Eurotower] they said they were considering various tools" to counter the persistent low inflation .
