
IMF: "positive development" in Italy

“A government with a clear program brings greater transparency to politics” – We now need reforms on pensions and work, in addition to liberalisations – The Fund's mission will arrive in our country at the end of November.

IMF: "positive development" in Italy

"The formation of a government with a clear program leads to greater political transparency" and this is "a positive development". With these words the deputy director of the IMF's external relations department, David Hawley, comments on the appointment of the new executive headed by Mario Monti in Italy.

Hawley then specified that at the end of November the mission of the Monetary Fund will arrive in our country, destined to start a "strengthened supervision" on the implementation of the reforms and measures for the consolidation of the accounts.

As for a possible financial intervention by the Washington institution, Hawley recalled that "in general, the Fund offers financing when a member country requests it and Italy has not made similar requests".

Now our country's priorities are different: to liberalize professions and the service sector, increase competition on public services, "do more" on pension reform and work flexibility.
