
Flat tax on Scrooges, contributions for Scampia and Perrotta to the Accounting Department: yes to the Omnibus decree, here's what it contains (and what's missing)

Green light from the Council of Ministers to the Omnibus law decree: flat tax for Scrooges who decide to transfer their tax domicile to Italy, contributions for displaced people from Scampia and simplifications on renewables. Daria Perrotta at the helm of the State Accounting Office. But other matters have been postponed

Flat tax on Scrooges, contributions for Scampia and Perrotta to the Accounting Department: yes to the Omnibus decree, here's what it contains (and what's missing)

Flat tax for the Scrooges, contributions for Scampia e Daria Perrotta driving the State accounting, but, for example, nothing taxes on banks' extra profits: green light from the Council of Ministers to Omnibus law decree with measures ranging from revenue authorities to Local societies passing through the contribution intended for displaced inhabitants of the Scampia sails and the increase from 100 thousand to 200 thousand euros of flat tax for the “Scrooges” who transfer their own tax residence in Italy.

As for taxes on bank extra profits, which had been much heralded and had caused much discussion in recent days, at the end of the government meeting the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, he specified: “Banks, like other entities that make profits and are doing well, will be called upon, like all Italian citizens, to contribute to public finances. I think there's nothing strange. There will be no taxes on extra profits, but on profits there will be, for them as for everyone else." And again, the head of the Treasury continues: "If those in the opposition wanted to make a controversy they had to look for another terrain." The CDM meeting, the last before the summer break, lasted about two hours.

State Accounting Office, Daria Perrotta first woman at the helm

The Council of Ministers has given the green light to the appointment of Daria Perrotta like new state accountant general. This was announced by the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti at the end of the meeting. “She is the first woman to hold this position,” explained Giorgetti.

Flat tax “doubles for foreign billionaires”

In the Omnibus decree approved today by the Council of Ministers, there is "a rule that has made a lot of noise: the doubling of the so-called flat tax for billionaires, to simplify", or for those "who decide to transfer their tax domicile to Italy". Thus Giorgetti in the press conference.

When the minister was asked how many people have benefited from the measure e how much they reinvested, Giorgetti replied that “to date I am 1.186. It is honestly very difficult to evaluate how much they have reinvested in Italy. The decision to make this adjustment which, however, so to speak, remains interesting - he explained - goes in the sense that, as I said internationally at the G20 and also at the G7, we are against inaugurating a racing and competition season to create situations of tax relief for people and businesses. If this race begins, countries like Italy, which have very limited fiscal space, are inevitably destined to lose. This therefore applies to both individuals and businesses. There's the whole theme of global minimum tax, first pillar and everything else on which we are obviously committed. To date, the data we have is of this nature, from 2017 to today."

Contribution from the government to displaced families in Scampia

“Another initiative of great attention from the Meloni ai government social problems of Naples“. Thus comments the Minister for Civil Protection In the Musumeci the decision adopted in today's session at Palazzo Chigi, on his proposal, with which it was resolved the sum necessary to allow the independent accommodation of the families displaced from the Scampia property. “It is about – explains the minister – approximately 220 families recipients of eviction orders due to unusability after collapse of a balcony on July 22nd. We immediately accepted the request made by the mayor of Naples and the prefect who met, together with the Region, in recent days in Rome. Among the families displaced from the Vela Celeste B complex there are 14 families with people over sixty-five and another 70 families with people with disabilities. The resource of Cas (Contribution for independent accommodation), equal to over two million euros per year, will be managed by the Municipality of Naples, which will also have the task of defining the legitimate recipients of the contribution. The law establishes that contributions can be paid until "housing needs have been met in a stable manner" and in any case by 31 December 2025. The Cas is recognized by 400 euros per family up to a maximum of 900. An additional sum is paid to families with elderly people (65 years old) and/or disabled people.

Seaside resorts: the reorganization of state concessions ahead

Following discussions with the European Commission, in one of the next meetings of the Council of Ministers - we learn from Palazzo Chigi sources - the provision for the reorganization of state concessions for tourist-recreational use. The aim would be to establish a certain legal framework for operators and local administrations. The reaction of the associations attacking the government was immediate: "Indecent ballet".

Renewables, green light for simplifications

The Council of Ministers has preliminarily approved the draft legislative decree regarding administrative regimes for the production of energy from renewable sources. The provision bears the signature of the Minister for Public Administration Paul Zangrillo, of the Minister for Institutional Reforms Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati and the Minister of Environment and Energy Security Gilberto Pichetto Fratin. The scheme identifies the administrative regimes for the construction and operation of electricity production plants from renewable sources, storage systems, related works and infrastructures essential for the construction of the plants themselves. It is a measure that responds to the simplification objectives identified by the Pnrr, allowing the collection, unification and consolidation of the rules governing the construction of RES plants (renewable energy sources). I am three "tracks" identified by the scheme, depending on the type, size and location of the systems: free activity, simplified authorization procedure or single authorisation.

Tourism: 13 million in Apennine ridge municipalities

The Council of Ministers today approved the allocation of 13 million to support tourism in the municipalities of ski areas and areas of the Apennine ridge affected by the decrease in attendance, caused by the lack of snow, in the period from 1 November 2023 to 31 March 2024. The resources - explains the Ministry of Tourism - will be intended for tourism businesses operating in the municipalities of the ski districts and areas of the Apennine ridge which, in the period of time considered, have suffered a reduction in revenues of no less than 30% compared to those recorded from 1 November 2021 to 31 March 2022.

University, ok to reform research contracts

The bill was also approved reform of research contracts. With the provision, the tools available to universities, public research bodies and Afam institutions are expanded to professionally frame the different figures within the research system with a mechanism of increasing protections.

Specifically, they are expected forms of collaboration by students during the degree course or master's degree for a maximum of 200 hours per year. Students will be able to provide assistance to research activities in addition to collaboration with university services. The compensation can reach up to 3.500 euros/year. They then introduce themselves two types of bags assistance for research activities: one junior , intended for master's or single-cycle graduates to begin research paths under the supervision of a tutor; the other one senior for PhDs who will be able to carry out research activities. In both cases the duration ranges from a minimum of one year to a maximum of three. The financial treatment will be established by a decree of the Minister of University and Research.

Bad weather, extended state of emergency: that's where

The Government decided on the proposal of the Minister for Civil Protection In the Musumeci, the extension of state of emergency di additional 12 months in the territory of Province of Cuneo following the exceptional meteorological events of 6 July 2023. Furthermore, the state of emergency is extended for one year in the territories of Autonomous Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia e Veneto region, following the meteorological events that occurred from 13 July to 6 August 2023. Following the wave of bad weather that affected the region of Lombardia, the state of emergency is extended for a further 12 months. All extensions are necessary to overcome emergencies and do not entail new or greater burdens on public finances.

Rai, the issues to be resolved between privatization and presidency

Before evaluating privatization hypothesis of Rai “we need to understand what is meant by public service when we have defined public interest and public service then we can evaluate". Thus Minister Giorgetti in the press conference at the end of the CDM. “One has to ask what Rai does. If it has a service contract established by the commissions, in that service contract" drawn up by "whoever is responsible for establishing Rai's public functions, the boundaries of the company's action and therefore any possibilities of privatization are written there".

As for the issue of presidenza of Rai, afterwards Marinella Soldi's farewell to the BBC, Giorgetti says that "it doesn't just depend on me" but there are also other types of evaluation by the Supervisory Commission on the choice. The minister then confirmed his trust in the CEO Giampaolo Rossi: “According to the legislation – which we did not create – the Mef has a margin of autonomy over the CEO, and Rossi is suited to doing this job,” he added.
