
Flat tax, Lega: "It will be 15% up to 55 thousand euros of income"

In the meeting with the social partners (to be repeated at the end of the month) the Carroccio assured that the flat tax will affect 40 million taxpayers, but also announced many other tax news - Total darkness on the roofs - Tension skyrocketing in the majority: Conte attacks Salvini, Di Maio increases the dose. And the Siri case reopens

Flat tax, Lega: "It will be 15% up to 55 thousand euros of income"

“Our goal is the Flat tax with a single tax deduction that will absorb all the deductions. We want to bring 15% the rate up to 55.000 euros of family income. There will be benefits for 20 million families and 40 million tax payers. There will be a big boost in consumption and savings of 3.500 euros for a family single-earner with one child. There is an intention to carry in pockets 12-13 billion euros“. This is the explanation of Armando Siri, a loyalist of Salvini in tax matters, who presented the League's proposal on the flat tax to the social partners, without specifying where the Government intends to find the 12-13 billion in funding. But precisely the participation of Siri (investigated and removed from the grillina component) caused yet another controversy with the M5S, while the resentment of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte exploded at the top. And the tension in the majority has skyrocketed.

“It's not every day that we have 43 social partners around a table: a part of the world of production and work to which we have presented the government projects of the League for the next economic manoeuvre, centered on a sharp cut in taxes for families and employees,” he added Salvini.

The Northern League leader reported that during the "broad discussion" with the social partners he presented the projects that concern the "reduction of IRES, the reduction of bureaucratic obligations for businesses, the reduction of the Imu and the intervention to give stability to the dry coupon on shops, commercial properties".

As for the next budget law, “I would like to give our country an economic maneuver in much quicker times than in the past – he added – October, November, December no. Rather we work all July and all August. I would like the economic maneuver to be already under discussion when Parliament reopens to give stability".

Salvini reiterated that it is the League's intention to create a fiscal peace bis to extend it to companies and businesses. He spoke again of tax credit and credit disbursement: “There is a good climate, I am satisfied with what has come out. On the minimum wage, all the interventions say that it is an interesting discussion, but first we need to reduce the fiscal and bureaucratic pressure on those who pay wages".

The deputy prime minister also ensured that with his initiative he does not intend to override the head of government: “It's the beginning of a journey, we don't want to replace the Prime Minister”, he said, explaining that a new meeting with the social partners could be scheduled in the next fortnight and in any case during the summer.

Undersecretary for the Economy Massimo Bitonci said that “there are 150 billion in mdi safes” and that “the emergence of this cash is a priority”. The government's goal is to initiate a "second phase of fiscal peace" by giving the "possibility of closing other disputes with companies". According to Bitonci, "the POS and all those operations under 25 euros should not be charged for those with contactless".

In the majority, rags fly. “If today someone thinks that not only requests are being collected from the social partners but anticipates details of what they believe the economic maneuver should be, they are entering the field of institutional impropriety”, observed Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. “If it's a party summit, Siri's presence is fine. If it is a government meeting, Siri's presence is not good”, the prime minister said again, commenting on the presence of the former undersecretary at the meeting at the Interior Ministry outside Palazzo Chigi. 

 To top it off the other deputy prime minister, Luigi Di Maio: If the unions “want to deal with a corruption suspect thrown out by the government, rather than with the government itself, we take that as a given. Now I understand why some unions are attacking our minimum wage proposal”. "The remarks made today by Deputy Prime Minister Di Maio towards the trade unions appear completely unacceptable and offensive," replied the CGIL, CISL and UIL.

Updated at 17hrs Monday 15th July 15
