Fishing: the EU now likes mini-clams

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Double thanks to the European Union: from Italy "clams" - with its fleet of clam fishermen and its marketing companies - and from consumers. The reason? The entry into force of the regulation which authorizes Italian fishing vessels to fish and market smaller clams (22 millimeters) than the provisions of EU standards which generally set the minimum size at 25 millimetres. Basically the request to reduce the minimum size of clams that can be fished in Italy has been accepted thus avoiding the risk of sinking an important part of the navy with fines and seizures but also due to the cut in exports.

The exception arises from the fact that the Scientific studies have shown that in Italian waters these molluscs are on average smaller, and therefore fishing specimens with a diameter of up to 22 millimeters would not compromise the reproduction of the stocks (which is why Brussels has set a minimum size on an EU scale).

It must be pointed out, however, that the green light does not affect all types of clams but only the native species “chamalea gallina” known as “lupine” whose production is around 30 tons, a bivalve mollusc that grows in sandy coastal shallow waters, especially in the Adriatic.

A request comes from Coldiretti, in light of the fact that the duration of the derogation is set until 31 December 2022: “It is necessary to intervene to make the derogation definitive and avoid unnecessary stress for the sector and give certainty in the planning of activities. At stake – underlines Coldiretti – a fleet of around 710 companies and over 1600 employees and ancillary activities of another 300 wholesale marketing companies with another thousand employees"

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