
Tax, local taxes +114% in 15 years

According to an analysis by the Cgia of Mestre, between 1996 and 2011 Regions, Provinces and Municipalities saw their tax revenues increase from 47,6 to 102 billion euros - On average, last year every Italian paid into the coffers of local autonomies as much as 1.684 euros – And with the IMU and the increase in the Irpef surcharges it will get worse and worse.

Tax, local taxes +114% in 15 years

Between 1996 and 2011 the revenue collected by the public administrations with the local taxes it more than doubled. The tax revenues of Regions, Provinces and Municipalities increased by 114,4%, going from 47,6 to 102 billion euros. On average, last year every Italian paid into the coffers of local autonomies well 1.684 euro. These are the main data contained in the latest analysis carried out by the study office of the Cgia of Mestre. Numbers are calculated after inflation.

Alongside the local boom, during the same 15 years the central administration of the state saw its revenue grow "only" by 9%, from 320,9 to 349,9 billion. As for the National GDP, now in recession, achieved an overall increase of 15,4% in the period considered. 

“Unfortunately – commented Giuseppe Bortolussi, secretary of the CGIA – the situation is bound to get worse. With the introduction of the municipal tax on first homes and the increase recorded by the regional and municipal income surtaxes, in 2012 the revenues of the local Autonomies are destined to undergo a further surge. To reverse the trend, fiscal federalism must be implemented”.

The increase in local taxes “is the result of the strong fiscal decentralization that began in the XNUMXs – added Bortolussi -. The introduction of the ICI, of the RAP and of the municipal and regional income tax surtaxes has boosted the revenue from local taxation, which has served to cover the new functions and new responsibilities that have been transferred to the local Autonomies”.
