
Tax: over 500 billion in lost revenues from the fight against tax evasion in 12 years

According to some tables drawn up by the Ministry of the Economy, from 2010 to 2012 roles for 807 billion were issued, but only 69,1 were collected – The Revenue Agency has estimated a reduction percentage of 82% on the load.

Tax: over 500 billion in lost revenues from the fight against tax evasion in 12 years

In the thirteen years between 2000 and 2012, roles were issued for 807,7 billion euros in the fight against tax evasion, but, of these, only 69,1 billion were collected. This is what can be read in a report delivered to the Finance Committee of the Chamber by the Ministry of Economy. Of the 545,5 billion euros still to be collected, 107,2 billion, as far as we know, concern subjects in bankruptcy.

The Revenue Agency has also estimated a reduction percentage of 82% on the load of roles. Most of this load, according to the Deputy Minister of the Economy, Luigi Casero, would concern debtors for over half a million euros: "As at 31 December 2012, over 80% of the residual load was attributable to debtors registered for total amounts equal to or greater than 500.000 euros”.
