
Tax, Mef: 46.934 new VAT numbers were opened in April (+0,4%)

The data is included in the Observatory on VAT numbers available on the website of the Department of Finance - 42,4% have been opened in the North - The classification by production sector confirms that trade always records the highest number of VAT numbers being opened

In April, 46.934 new VAT numbers were opened; there is a slight increase from the same month of the previous year. This is what we read in the Observatory on VAT numbers available on the website of the Department of Finance which specifies that the distribution by legal nature shows that the share relating to natural persons stands at 75,4% while joint-stock companies rise to 17,3%.

With regard to the geographical distribution of the openings, 42,4% of them took place in the North, 23,1% in the Center and 34,4% in the South and Islands; the comparison with April last year shows a prevalence of increases, even significant (provinces of Trento and Friuli VG), on decreases (Val d'Aosta, Liguria, Sicily).

The classification by production sector confirms that commerce always records the highest number of VAT numbers being opened: around 23% of the total, followed by professional activities (14,1%), agriculture and construction. Compared to the corresponding month of 2012, among the main sectors, the sharp increase (+80%) in financial/insurance activities is worthy of note; appreciable increases also for accommodation and catering (+9,5%) and real estate (+8%), while the sharp declines for the building sector, which continues its negative phase, (-13,1%) and transport (-10,4 .XNUMX%).

With regard to natural persons, the breakdown by gender is always stable, with males accounting for 63% of VAT registration openings. Half of the openings are due to young people up to 35 years old and a third to the 36-50 year old class.
