
FIRSTonline, new record: 1 visits in May

The month of May 2016 marks for FIRSTonline the all-time high ever reached so far in terms of views of its contents on the various platforms where they are distributed: in all there were 1.585.877 contacts, of which 783.841 were direct accesses to the site, 499.034 on Facebook and 303 on MSN

FIRSTonline, new record: 1 visits in May

In May, FIRSTonline reached an all-time high in views, touching one million and 600 thousand contacts: to be exact, the new record of our web journal stood at 1.585.877 visits, distributed across the various platforms where FIRSTonline offers its contents, but with a conspicuous growth of direct accesses.

In particular, direct accesses to FIRSTonline were 783.841 in May, which means that the responsive site is more suitable for serving mobile users (smartphones and Ipads) who are growing day after day and are collecting better and better the fruits of both the quality and originality of its information content and the greater functionality and visibility of Teleborsa's new distribution platform and new layout.

The contacts collected through social networks and in particular those on Facebook and Twitter are also growing. In May, 499.034 users were reached on Facebook, just a whisker from half a million.

Finally, on the Microsoft portal we are overcoming the technical problems which in recent months had slowed down the display of our economic and financial content as a result of the change of platform: in May, the views of FIRSTonline services on were equal to 303.002.
