Italian catering lands in the futuristic world of NFT utilities (Non Fungible Token), digital works for collection and investment. In Abruzzo Oishi Japanese Kitchen is the first restaurant to open its doors to NFTs, considered a real revolution for the system of property certificates, to the point of having already entered the catalogs of the most prestigious auction houses worldwide and having attracted the attention of celebrities of the caliber of Quentin Tarantino, Justin Biber and Gwyneth Paltrow.
''We are really proud to be the first restaurant in Italy to adopt this technology which is depopulating all over the world - explains the very young Luca Di Marcantonio, CEO of Oishi Japanese Kitchen - NFT utilities are digital tokens that were created with the aim of bringing users closer to an artistic, musical or, in our case, food and wine project, an artistic work with exclusive services connected in an intrinsic way. What are their advantages? Those who use them will have privileged access to a series of important and always new benefits. In a nutshell, you become part of a real club.”
Oishi Japanese Kitchen, is one of the best expressions of Japanese fusion cuisine in Italy with two premises in Teramo and Pescara, founded in 2015 by a group of young enthusiasts and capable, in a short time, of obtaining important awards such as 3 chopsticks from Gambero Rosso and positioning in the Michelin Guide.
In reality, at the moment there is no news of other restaurants in the world already equipped for this novelty. Great importance has been given to the fact that the FlyFish Club of New York will be the first to guarantee this type of experience but the opening of the club is scheduled for 2023. And therefore Oishi from Abruzzo will have the task of turning the spotlight on this new way of relating between restaurant and customers.
Oishi will give the possibility to acquire an NFT Utility, i.e. a virtual token that represents the deed of ownership and the certificate of authenticity, registered on the Blockchain, a cryptographic and decentralized system that allows the registration of a single asset. He starts with a work of art created in collaboration with the Abruzzo digital artist Pierpaolo Barnabei aka FRUTTI. The purchase will offer the opportunity to access a series of exclusive activities, such as a dedicated tasting menu, called ''OMAKASE'' in Japanese ''trust'', a journey of flavors where Eastern and Western cuisines blend to obtain a irresistible combination.
Furthermore, owners of the NFT utility will have access to off-menu dishes, reserved discounts, the possibility of paying in cryptocurrencies and access to an exclusive community to always be in direct contact with the staff and the property: in short, to all intents and purposes a VIP pass!
"The project stems from the collaboration with Blu Muu Lab, one of the first NFT Utility Agencies in our country - underlines Luca Di Marcantonio - and is based on the idea of creating a strong liaison between groups like ours and a clientele that wants to establish a strong and exclusive contact with the proposing reality".
In order to obtain one of these NFTs, it will be necessary to connect to the OpenSea platform at the address and search for the works: OishiNFT.
It is necessary to have Ethereum, the digital currency that fuels transactions on the Blockchain, in order to use the platform and insert the work in your Wallet which will give you access to exclusive services. By registering the purchase on the website https://www.oishijapan and you will be able to obtain your own ID-NFT-OISHI-PASS.