
Fintech and open innovation, a new hub in Milan

The space in the center of Milan is opened by Plug and Play, a Silicon Valley company that accelerated 1.400 startups worldwide in 2019 alone – Partner of the Nexi and Unicredit project.

Fintech and open innovation, a new hub in Milan

A physical place, in the center of Milan, where the Italian and international fintech startups they will be able to meet each other and above all interact with the banking world, to favor its transition towards a more innovative model through an open banking approach that can produce new products, new instruments and new platforms. This is the new hub inaugurated on Thursday in via Meravigli, behind the Stock Exchange, from Plug and Play in collaboration with nexi and Unicredit.

Plug and Play is a Silicon Valley company (which he will help bridge) that he has already built the largest Open Innovation platform in the world, with over 1.400 accelerated startups in 2019 alone and 350 partner companies. “Financial services – he commented Roberto Catanzaro, Business development director DJ Nexi – are undergoing a profound revolution both in business models and in enabling technologies and theopen banking, i.e. the ability of banks to make their data open and to exchange them with other banks, it will change the way we do banking”.

The new hub has two main objectives: on the one hand, attracting fintechs and talents to Italy with whom to collaborate to generate value and innovate; on the other export the excellence of Made in Italy, which also exist in the technological field, and give them visibility so that they can find new partners, find new funding and expand abroad.

“The new challenges are also great opportunities – added Catanzaro -. Our mission is to support banks in seizing them and transforming revenues into new services for customers". The invitation for banks is therefore also to reinvest revenues, which are very high in this period as regards the major realities, in innovation looking to the future: "It is a question of creating an ecosystem, from which everyone will benefit".

“We left for Italy in April 2019 – he said instead Andrea Zorzetto, managing partner of Plug and Play Italy -, and less than a year later we are already launching a new program in a strategic sector in collaboration with leading companies in the financial world. It is the demonstration of the added value that we bring to the Italian system, in this case by linking it not only to Silicon Valley but also to our pan-European program in Frankfurt".
