
Finmeccanica, the Moretti era begins

The former number one of the railways yesterday acquired the double appointment of managing director and general manager of the defense group – The Council, unanimously, “expressed its warmest thanks to dr. Pansa for the commitment made in the twelve years of activity at the service of the group”.

Finmeccanica, the Moretti era begins

The Board of Directors of Finmeccanica entrusted yesterday to Mauro Moretti the double appointment of managing director and general manager, in place of the outgoing Alessandro Pansa. Instead, Giovanni De Gennaro was confirmed as chairman, who is responsible for the legal representation of the company. 

The Board, unanimously, “expressed its warmest thanks to Dr. Pansa for the commitment made in the twelve years of activity at the service of the group”, reads the note.

As managing director, "In the last year Pansa has started the process of adapting to the increasingly challenging needs of the reference markets - continues the company -, safeguarding the integrity of the Group, its credibility and the wealth of knowledge and skills of the main Italian manufacturing company”.

Today, one hour after the opening, the Finmeccanica share on the Stock Exchange drops 0,7%, a 5,695 euro. 
