Finint SGR and Copernico Sim: new distribution agreement


Finint Investments SGR and Copernico Sim sign a distribution agreement. The asset management company of the Banca Finint Group and Copernico Sim have finalized an agreement for the distribution on the Italian market of Finint Economia Reale Italia, the bond fund which, due to its PIR compliant characteristics, was conceived with the aim of channeling investments towards SMEs, in order to stimulate the real economy, supporting the country's economic recovery.

In detail, Finint Economia Reale Italia (PIR) is the balanced bond fund which invests in financial instruments traded on regulated markets: bonds (including convertible bonds), risk capital instruments, UCI units whose investment policy is compatible with that of the Fund, bank deposits and, finally, money market instruments .

The collaboration with Copernico Sim represents a further step forward in the opening of products managed by Finint SGR for the retail market. Thus inserting itself in the broader program of distribution of Individual Savings Plans, which have as their investment area the segment of SMEs listed on the Italian market, the target of choice for the investment activities of Finint SGR.

"We are confident that the agreement can bring mutual benefits with the ultimate aim of strengthening the contribution to support the Italian SME market - commented Mauro Sbroggiò, CEO of Finint SGR – in a historic moment that presents interesting and growing investment prospects in the segment”.

"In this context - continued Sbroggiò - we believe that individual savings plans today represent a fundamental tool for the relaunch of the Italian economy, especially in the post-Covid-19 era and that, for this reason, they can and must assume the role of protagonists in accompanying the Italian economy through that much-desired recovery path for the years to come”.

“Twenty years after the first multi-brand direct distribution agreements, Copernico SIM continues to believe in the search for management companies focused on specific investment sectors – he comments Gianluca Scelzo, Chief Executive Officer of Copernico SIM -. From this point of view, the distribution of the Finint Economia Reale Italia fund also makes it possible to support the real economy market through investment in the Italian industrial sector and in companies that support the territory”.

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