
Finecobank, net funding +62% in July

Boom in funding, in particular of the managed component which improves eleven times the July 2019 figure. Revenues doubled in 2020.

Finecobank, net funding +62% in July

In July, Finecobank's net inflows amounted to 679 million euros (+62% compared to a year ago) and are characterized, according to what the company itself commented, "by great quality, and obtained without resorting to commercial policies short-term".

This was communicated by the bank itself which explains how the asset mix, which continues the trend of constant improvement, sees a clear preponderance of managed component, growing to 650 million (more than 11 times the result of July 2019). Assets under administration amounted to 77 million, while direct deposits amounted to -49 million.

The growth of the brokerage it is confirmed as structural, supported by the review of the offer and by the expansion of the base of customers active on the platform. Estimated revenues for the month of July are approximately 18,7 million, +66% compared to July 2019. From the beginning of the year i estimated revenues there are about 146,6 million, a figure that practically doubles that of the same period of 2019.

Today Finecobank is traveling well on the Stock Exchange, where it gains 1,7% in the mid-afternoon at 12,55 euros per share.
