
Fincantieri, uncertainty about future Italian governments plays in Macron's favor

Since the French shipyards deal has long-term strategic relevance, it is not surprising that President Macron asks for a pause for reflection to understand who will govern in Italy, considering the significant powers of the Treasury over Fincantieri - As happened for the Tav with great joy of the grillini

Fincantieri, uncertainty about future Italian governments plays in Macron's favor

It is difficult if not impossible to believe that Macron does not have a dossier on Macron's table that tells how Fincantieri was born and who governs it, which would like to acquire control of the French shipyards that are so much discussed.

The MEF website documents that on 9 November 2012 CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti-Spa acquired (like the defunct IRI) the entire share capital of Fintecna from the MEF; that at present the main shareholding of Fintecna is represented by the controlling stake in the capital of Fincantieri SpA, equal to 71,64%; that CDP is in turn controlled (although not listed on the market) by the MEF; ; that the Board of Directors of the CDP, is responsible for the management of the company and for defining the strategies of the group, directly) from the General Division of the Treasury. By law, this carries out the activity of monitoring and managing the shareholdings held by the Ministry, the exercise of the shareholder's rights in companies also listed on regulated markets and, in particular, as regards the procedures for appointing members of the corporate bodies of companies directly or indirectly controlled by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

It is easy to conclude that Macron, in a medium-term perspective as required by the affair of the French shipyards whose long-term strategic relevance is undisputed, rather than in homage to Colbert or the Sun King, is observing with justified concern those who could be the Treasury Minister of the next government, and those who could be the new director general of the Treasury with the pregnant powers that the law assigns him; without neglecting, like the other European chancelleries, the probable attitude towards the European Union of the possible next governments.

How can you blame him if Macron is putting forward proposals that require a pause for reflection on the governance of French shipyards in this moment of chaotic Italian politics, uncertainty about electoral law and who will govern the country in a few months' time? Moreover, Macron had already asked for a period of reflection (a year to see who wins the elections?) for the railway that crosses the Val di Susa from Lyon, perhaps also concerned about the Italian ability to manage complex transport networks (see the case of Rome which certainly did not escape him). Announcement of reflection that was joyfully greeted by the No Tav and by the mayor of Turin, very happy that the planned railway link transits north of the Alps. Not to overlook the declaration of war on France threatened by a potential five-star prime minister on the case of migrants refused at the French border.

If his role didn't prevent him, Macron, with the esprit de finesse typical of the French, would tell us: c'est la politique d'abord mon petit, pas Colbert!
