
Fincantieri: Monfalcone, away with the seals

After the Government decree, the Court of Gorizia has ordered the release from seizure of the sealed areas of the Monfalcone plant, in the province of Trieste – Serracchiani: "Activity inside the plant could start again as early as today".

Fincantieri: Monfalcone, away with the seals

The release from seizure of the plant has begun Fincantieri di Monfalcone, in the province of Trieste. The company itself made it known. The Carabinieri notified the company of the release order signed by the Court of Gorizia, which closely followed the ad hoc government decree which contained the measures to unblock areas of the Fincantieri site, as well as the Ilva blast furnace.

The seals, therefore, will be removed from the areas of the plant in which they were placed, allowing the return to functionality and operation of the site in the province of Trieste as early as today: “For this afternoon – announced the president of Friuli Venezia Giulia Deborah Serracchiani – we await the formalization of the release from seizure and the possibility of restarting the activity within the Fincantieri plant".
