
Funding, after the scandals the parties accelerate on the reform

After the Lega and Margherita scandals, the hot topic of party funding comes to life - Yesterday Alfano, Bersani and Casini agreed to present the most urgent rules, to be presented to the other groups - The new law should ensure greater transparency.

Funding, after the scandals the parties accelerate on the reform

It would seem that not all scandals have a silver lining. From some you can even learn and, in some way, start again. THE cases of Lusi and the League were an open question remained in midair, on the subject of public funding, which was waiting for nothing but his dutiful answer, from the voice of the parties.

And the answer came, quite promptly, with the acceleration decided by the leaders of Pdl, Pd and Udc. Alfano, Bersani and Casini, in fact, would have heard yesterday, in what for the press has already become the "Easter Monday phone call", reaching the decision to alert their representatives in order to prepare, already tomorrow, the first rules on funding to be presented, then, on Thursday to the other parties.

According to the press release released by the PDL, there is also the intention to give the highest priority to these proceedings, making sure to evaluate and consequently select the most suitable procedure to reach a rapid conclusion.

The main points of the new law should be: certification of financial statements by an external auditor, greater control by the Court of Auditors, the obligation of the publication on the web of the financial reports of the parties and the lowering of the threshold for anonymous donations.

Therefore, to be touched it would not be the extent of the funding, nor even less their legitimate existence (otherwise politics would risk being reduced to a populist game between billionaires and, given recent results, it would not seem appropriate) their transparency, by implementing and tightening up forms of control over spending.

It is also desirable that the wording "electoral refunds", a hypocritical or dishonest vice depending on the day, be replaced as soon as possible, and also made more transparent.

Politics, therefore, overwhelmed by its own scandals and crushed between an anti-political anvil and hammer (the different but convergent thrusts of those who would like to cancel the parties and those who would like to leave everything in the hands of the technicians) reacted promptly, consolidating before that "the people", according to Frattini's colorful expression, "arrive under the Palazzo with pitchforks".

In front of this double threat and the growing number of warnings about their imminent end, the parties have therefore found an unusual communion of intents, as can be read in the declarations, perhaps a little too virginal given the situation and the paternity of the current law, of the their leaders who collectively wished for a quick and happy resolution of the matter. The only voices that did not join the chorus were those of the Lega and Margherita, who remained modestly silent.

Not all scandals have a silver lining, one might say. Before saying it out loud, however, we need to look at what will happen in the next few days, e hope that the reform is not just a small reform, but something deeper and more lasting than a hot broth fed to public opinion, a decisive step in a different direction.
