
Financial Times, pro-web revolution

Lionel Barber, director of one of the most influential financial newspaper in the world, has decided to speak clearly with his employees, announcing that "there will be new changes in the way of working: a further shift of resources in favor of the website and a significant remodeling of the newspaper".

Financial Times, pro-web revolution

“The production process of the newspaper borrowed from the seventies is dead”. Word of Lionel Barber. The one published by the director of the Financial Times on the website of the masthead is a historic letter, destined to enter journalism manuals. 

The number one of the most influential financial newspaper in the world has decided to speak clearly with its employees, announcing that "there will be new changes in the way of working: a further shift of resources in favor of the website and a significant remodeling of the newspaper".

Barber explains that in the future the current hierarchies will be reversed: "In the future, the paper newspaper will derive from the web, not vice versa". The numbers show the way: "Today we have over 100 digital subscriptions more than the total number of copies sold", explains the director.
