
Optical fiber in mountain areas, Open Fiber-Uncem synergy

As part of the protocol signed in July, the two realities promote the sharing and dissemination of information on the progress of the project and on the diffusion of digital services.

Optical fiber in mountain areas, Open Fiber-Uncem synergy

The partnership between Open Fiber and the National Union of Mountain and Mountain Communities (UNCEM) continues to develop optical fiber even in the most remote areas of the country. The two entities signed a Memorandum of Understanding as early as July 2019 with the aim of promoting the development of the Ultra Broadband Plan, which sees Open Fiber at work in building a fiber optic infrastructure in over 7000 Italian municipalities, in order to reduce the digital divide which is particularly felt in mountainous and rural areas.  

In the first six months of operation, the Memorandum initiated a process of close collaboration, with a particular focus on the communication process between Open Fiber and the Municipalities, to facilitate the sharing of timely information on the progress of the project and the exchange of data necessary for the planning and streamlining of authorization procedures.   

“The Ultra Broadband Plan in 2019 entered full force. To date there are about 450 Municipalities completed and active construction sites in about 2000 Municipalities – he declared Andrea Falessi, External Relations Director of Open Fiber -. The second part of the year saw a strong acceleration of activities which – to date – has led to the launch of the marketing of fiber optic services in around 140 municipalities in the areas affected by Infratel tenders”. 

“In 2020 Open Fiber and UNCEM, which has recently produced a study on the TLC sector in mountain areas - added Marco Bussone, President of UNCEM - will work together on various topics, such as acceleratingauthorization procedure for wiring works and communication on the process of diffusion of the services that can be activated thanks to the fiber optic network".  
