
FiberCop accelerates on fiber optics in Piedmont: 600 million investment for the digital future of the region

FiberCop, under the leadership of Luigi Ferraris, is intensifying fiber optic cabling in Piedmont, with the goal of bringing ultra-fast connections to 879 municipalities by 2026. A 600 million euro plan for the digitalization of the territory, also involving Liguria and Valle d'Aosta

FiberCop accelerates on fiber optics in Piedmont: 600 million investment for the digital future of the region

FiberCop, under the leadership of the CEO Luigi Ferraris, is accelerating fiber optic cabling in Piedmont to support economic development and the digital transformation of the territory. The company, which manages the most advanced and extensive network in the country, is intensifying the interventions foreseen by the “Piano Italia 1 Giga” within the Pnrr to bring ultra-fast connections throughout the region.

FiberCop, the works started in Piedmont

To date, the works have already started in 191 Piedmontese municipalities. The provincial distribution of the works sees Turin in the front line with 100 municipalities, followed by Alessandria (24), Cuneo (27), Novara (16) and the other provinces, for a total of 169.917 civic numbers to be wired by 2026. FiberCop has already completed the connection of 76.847 civic numbers, which represent 45% of the total objective.

The final objective of the Italy 1 Giga Plan in Piedmont is to reach 879 municipalities with ultra-fast connections, thus helping to ensure a more inclusive digital future for the entire region.

A strategic investment of 600 million euros

The investment planned for Piedmont is part of a broader program, Lot 4 of the tender which also covers Liguria and Valle d'Aosta. With a total value exceeding 600 million euros, the project foresees the involvement of public funds through the PNRR, supported by a significant share of direct investment by FiberCop.

The creation of this infrastructure is essential to accelerate the digitalization process, improving the connectivity of businesses and citizens throughout the territory.

FiberCop and the territory: a commitment that generates employment

FiberCop's presence in Piedmont It is not limited to investments in infrastructure. The company has over 1.300 employees in the region and manages more than 60 offices and operational headquarters. The active construction sites involve approximately 700 workers from local network companies. The existing infrastructure is also widespread, with over 1.170 telephone exchanges located throughout the territory, from which telephone and data connections arriving in homes and businesses in Piedmont are managed.

The company does not intend to stop and has recently Approved an investment plan of approximately 1,4 billion euros for the second half of 2024. These funds will be used to further accelerate the development of the fiber optic network on a national scale. As part of the public intervention plans envisaged by the Italian Strategy for Ultra-Broadband, FiberCop has 7 lots of the tender awarded “Piano Italia 1 Giga” for a total of 10 regions, including Piedmont, plus the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano.

FiberCop's commitment in “Italy 1 Giga Plan” has already led to the connection of 597.136 civic numbers out of the 1.334.545 planned by 2026, with 45% of the objective already achieved by November 2024.

A step towards ultra-broadband for all

FiberCop is progressively expanding its network, ensuring a coverage of over 95% of active lines with FTTx technologies. In the coming months, the company plans to increase Ftth coverage, allowing connection speeds of up to 10 Gigabit/s. This means that end users, both private and professional, will have access to high performance, with streaming content of the highest quality, low latency and the ability to use professional applications even in environments with many simultaneously connected devices.

“The new infrastructure we are building will allow us to navigate at a speed of 1 Gigabit per second – he declared Cristina Morbiducci, Head of Operations North West Area of FiberCop – which means enabling a wide range of digital services that citizens, businesses and local governments will benefit from: among these, the possibility of enhancing the network to carry out smart working, HD streaming, telemedicine and typical smart city services such as traffic flow management, public lighting and environmental monitoring. This is a large-scale intervention that requires the collaboration of all parties involved, namely institutions, local authorities and businesses, and particular attention also to the orographic characteristics of the territory which, in addition to including extensive plains, mainly develops in mountainous and hilly areas”.
