
Fiat evaluates a future far from Italy

Lingotto has declared that it reserves the right to review its industrial strategies in Italy in the light of the sentence of the Constitutional Court on the Workers' Statute.

Fiat evaluates a future far from Italy

Fiat reserves the right to review its 'industrial strategies in Italy' in the light of the sentence filed today by the Constitutional Court. This is what emerges from the press release released in the evening by Lingotto. "The sentence of the Constitutional Court - reads the press release - establishes the illegitimacy of article 19 of the Workers' Statute in the part in which it provides that the criterion for union representation consists in the signing of collective labor agreements applied in the company".

”According to the Court – continues Fiat – representativeness must also be recognized to those unions which, although not signatories to the contracts, nonetheless participated actively in the negotiations. Fiat therefore reserves the right to evaluate whether and to what extent the new criterion of representativeness, in the interpretation that the judges on the merits will give, will be able to modify the current structure of its trade union relations and, in the future, its industrial strategies in Italy . Certainly, as the Court also suggests, it is necessary for the legislator to quickly address the general problem of trade union representation, guaranteeing legal certainty and uniformity of legislative interpretation. However, the Company underlines in conclusion that the interpretation of the law followed up to now has been recognized not only as correct but as the only one possible. 'The Court - concludes the communiqué - in fact, deeming that article 19 did not allow 'the application of criteria unrelated to its literal formulation', demonstrated the groundlessness of all the accusations, starting with the defamatory one of violation of the Constitution, which have been addressed by various parties to Fiat, which has only applied the law'.
