
Fiat, Marchionne: we are still investing in Italy

According to the CEO, the Lingotto project for production in Italy “will lead to full employment of workers in 3-4 years. The most rational choice would be to close one or two plants in Italy, also to deal with production overcapacity. Instead, we said and I repeat that we will not close any plants in Italy".

Fiat, Marchionne: we are still investing in Italy

“We keep on invest and believe in Italy“. The CEO of Fiat said so, Sergio Marchionne, speaking at the assembly of Confindustria Firenze.

“From 2004 to the end of 2012 we allocated investments, research and development to Italy 23,5 billion euros – continued Marchionne -. Against this enormous effort we have received public subsidies, provided for by Italian and European regulations, amounting to 742 million euros. Moreover, discounts are available to all companies. This means that we have created work and well-being”.

According to the CEO, the Lingotto project for production in Italy “will lead to full employment of workers in 3-4 years. The most rational choice would be to close one or two plants in Italy, also to deal with production overcapacity. Instead we said and I will repeat that we will not close any factories in Italy. We have always managed our freedom with conscience”.

Finally, a small outburst: “Fiat is no longer the same as it was in 2004 – concluded Marchionne -, but it is still considered an Italian company that carries with it all the prejudices, such as those on the quality of the products and that of living off the back of the State with public aid".

As for the general economic crisis, “we are living in an emergency phase that requires rapid and incisive interventions – Marchionne said again -. We have to bet on Italy's future. We need a burst of pride, a collective effort, a kind of social pact, call it the Marshall Plan for Italy or whatever you want. A national cohesion plan for economic recovery". 

At the beginning of the afternoon, the Fiat share gained about half a point in Piazza Affari.  
