
Fiat, Marchionne-union meeting: one billion for Mirafiori

In the meeting with the trade unions who signed the Fiat company contract, Sergio Marchionne confirmed the 1 billion euro investment in the Mirafiori plant, which will house the production of the Maserati SUVs – Satisfaction between the acronyms: “An excellent agreement. Good news for Fiat employees and for Italian industry”.

Fiat, Marchionne-union meeting: one billion for Mirafiori

Filter satisfaction at the end of the meeting between the CEO of Fiat Sergio Marchionne and the trade unions who signed the company agreement, held in the group's Rome headquarters. The Rome headquarters of Fiat were the scene of the meeting: on the table were the Lingotto investments in Italy and above all the fate of the Mirafiori plant in Turin, in which one billion euros will be invested.

“It's an excellent result – comments Uil leader Luigi Angeletti -. We made an agreement which reaffirms that the contract signed with Fiat guarantees the investments. Investments have been released and will start at Mirafiori in the next few weeks”. According to Angeletti, the Turin plant will host, starting in 2014, the production of a Maserati SUV.

The Fim-Cisl secretary Giuseppe Farina was on the same wavelength, confirming the extent of Fiat's investments in Mirafiori and also looking at layoffs: "the Cig will continue up to the reorganization of the production lines, but the technical aspects have yet to be defined".

For Farina, however, this is "good news for the workers of Fiat and for Italian industry, in this way the circle of Fiat's investment plan in Italy is definitively closed and the future and hope are restored to the many workers of the group and to the auto industry of our country. This – underlines the leader of Fim Cisl – would not have been possible without the union agreements”. Then there is the lunge on the Fiom CGIL which "with the courts brings the Fiom delegates back to the factories, while the Fim Cisl together with the other unions, with good trade union agreements, brings investments and jobs".

In the late morning, the Fiat stock lost 2,99%, in line with the negative day of the Italian stock exchange.
