
International festival of ethical photography in Lodi

Nine hundred nominations from 50 photographers from all over the world for the World Report Award as part of the ninth edition of the International Festival of Ethical Photography in the city of Lodi which will take place from 6 to 28 October 2018

International festival of ethical photography in Lodi

International photography will be staged from 6 to 28 October in Lodi where the ninth edition of the Ethical Photography Festival. About 900 nominations for the World Report Award 2018 for this year's edition have arrived and they are the shots of photographers of 50 different nationalities representing all continents.

The path followed has led the festival to be a solid point of reference within the European panorama of photography festivals, thanks to the decision to tell current events through different and original paths, with the declared objective of wanting to "create a circuit virtuoso capable of allowing photography to reach the public and speak to consciences”.

This edition of the international review has set itself the objective of "spreading ever more the photographic language, and the cultural sensitivity that follows, among non-experts", say Alberto Prina and Aldo Mendichi who, with the Gruppo Fotografico Progetto Image, they organize the demonstration.

“The ever-increasing success and participation (15.153 admissions last year, +30% compared to 2016) at the Festival – they announce – reward the choice to tell what is happening in the world, through the filter of the gaze of the best photographers and photojournalists around. Sometimes this look can be raw and without filters, while others are mediated by a sort of visual poetics that slightly smoothes the edges of reality to still convey an idea of ​​hope and sharing. In any case, the Festival is the confirmation of photography as the main language of our age. It quickly and immediately reaches the sensitivity of those who use it, turning on the light bulb for reflection and discussion".

FFE – OFF will take place at the same time as the Festival, organizing for the ninth edition a circuit of photographic exhibitions, exhibited in shops, bars, restaurants, galleries, cultural clubs and public areas of the city. The purpose of FFE – OFF is to enhance and disseminate the works of anyone who wants to propose their own creations. For this reason there are no thematic or genre constraints, as FFE – OFF is not an extension of the main program of the Festival of Ethical Photography. The call is open to professional and amateur photographers with no age restrictions.

For all the technical information and the thematic sections that make up the exhibition, please refer to Official site event.
