
Festina Lente, in Brianza books are read and eaten

The original idea of ​​a literary bistro in the heart of Brianza: a format that features dishes inspired by pages of a writer's story. Now scheduled meetings from home with a box
which includes recipe and author's book that dialogues with the public

Festina Lente, in Brianza books are read and eaten

Luis Sepulveda, Elena Molini, Banana Yashimoto and many others probably never expected that one day their books would end up in the kitchen of Toanda, irreverent and passionate chef-reader, to be cooked to perfection and served for breakfast, lunch or dinner. But that's just what happens from festina lens, a literary bistro in the heart of Brianza with a unique format in Italy: here books they are not only found on the shelves like a common library, but even in the dish, ready to be eaten and savored "to the core", as the poet Robert Frost would say, with the mind and the palate, alone or in company, at all hours of the day and night.

All genres are served and served properly: classics and contemporaries, poets and novelists, books for adults and books for children, in short, any author who dedicates a page, a memory, a story to food or any book that has an "edible" potential ” in the eyes of the chef-reader. How erotic does tomato become in Montalban's company? How much strength do Sepulveda roses release? How much confidence do the "We-we-can-do" biscuits inspired by the extravagant Miss Euphorbia give? How poetic is risotto enjoyed in the company of Leonetti's verses? On the site all box-delivery to read while eating. At Festina Lente you can find books for all tastes, too to eat.

And now Festina Lente organizes a cycle of "remote" literary aperitifs. The protagonists of these evenings will be more or less well-known Italian authors who will dialogue with the public, while the chef will dish up their book in a delicious aperitif to be enjoyed at home. In fact, each meeting includes the Delivery of an aperitif box inspired by the book (to be booked within the day before the event in the appropriate section), to which the star book of the evening can also be added, upon request. The aperitif box contains an alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink and a series of savory and sweet tastes, which will allow you to "taste" with the eyes and the palate the excerpts from the book to which the event is dedicated.

The next meetings with the authors

5 February 2021 – 18.30 pm: Aperitif with Ketty Magni and the book Artusi. The beautiful and the good (Cairo publisher, 16 euros) to discover the vices and virtues of one of the greats of Italian cuisine.

12 February 2021 – 18.30 pm: Aperitif with Isa Grassano and the book One day yes another no (Giraldi publisher, €15,90).

19 February 2021 – 18.30 pm: Aperitif with Nico Maraja and the book Of love and other punctures (Ediciclo editore, euro 15) to talk about love from a male point of view.

5 March 2021 – 18.30 pm: Aperitif with Margherita Belardetti and her If they are women they will flourish (Mondadori publisher, 17,50 euros) to pay homage to women and their celebrations.

19 March 2021 – 18.30 pm: Aperitif with Francesco Muzzopappa and the book A broken man (Fazi publisher, 15 euros) to talk about life and its contradictions lightheartedly.
