
Ferraris (ex Terna): "The pandemic pushes us to rethink the development model"

The ex CEO of Terna, Luigi Ferraris, speaking at the Camogli Communication Festival. he argued that the pandemic is an opportunity to change the development model, reserving more space for territories. Smart working is an example of how the way of working can be changed

Ferraris (ex Terna): "The pandemic pushes us to rethink the development model"

“Being relevant in the area: economic-financial development and new opportunities”. This is the title of the panel during which he spoke the former CEO of Terna, Luigi Ferraris, on the occasion of the Camogli Communication Festival, of which the manager is a guest. During his speech Ferraris quoted Einstein and commented on phenomena such as smart working, comparing it with the energy transition he dealt with at the highest level, in his years of militancy for Terna, the company that manages the national electricity grid . Here is Ferraris' speech:

“As Albert Einstein said in the distant 1930 in “The World as I see” “It is in the crisis that inventiveness, discoveries and great strategies arise”. Today the global pandemic crisis gives us the opportunity to rethink our economic and development model, whose main beneficiaries can be precisely the territories. Let's think of the diffusion of the Smart working phenomenon, which is now becoming structural in the main companies of our country.

Here my past in the energy sector suggests a very suggestive analogy. Just as we are witnessing an unstoppable energy transition towards distributed generation models, today we are also experiencing a phenomenon of transformation of the way we work, with a probably unstoppable transition towards different working models with less concentration in large urban centers and progressively towards a greater diffusion of fragmented and Smart work spread over the territories, even the smallest and most remote ones.

This offers our country a unique opportunity to connect these territories, not only with energy, but also and above all with physical (roads) and digital (fibre) infrastructures. Let us not forget that all of this must be carefully planned and accompanied by adequate compensation measures, not only economic but also social and engineering, rethinking the structure of the urban conglomerate in the light of this new paradigm, reminding us that in all of this the person with his values ​​and his sensitivity must always be central.

Here my past in the energy sector suggests a very suggestive analogy. Just as we are witnessing an unstoppable energy transition towards distributed generation models, today we are also experiencing a phenomenon of transformation of the way we work, with a probably unstoppable transition towards different working models with less concentration in large urban centers and progressively towards a greater diffusion of fragmented and Smart work spread over the territories, even the smallest and most remote ones.

This offers our country a unique opportunity to connect these territories, not only with energy, but also and above all with physical (roads) and digital (fibre) infrastructures. Let us not forget that all of this must be carefully planned and accompanied by adequate compensation measures, not only economic but also social and engineering, rethinking the structure of the urban conglomerate in the light of this new paradigm, reminding us that in all of this the person with his values ​​and his sensitivity must always be central”.
