
Ferrari-unions: agreement and super-competitiveness prize

The agreement for the years 2020-23 provides for an increase of up to 107% of the premium up to 13.400 euros but also news on other fronts. Bentivogli: "Unprecedented agreement". Here are all the details

Ferrari-unions: agreement and super-competitiveness prize

Ferrari and the unions have signed a new competitiveness bonus agreement for employees in Italy. The agreement is valid for the years 2020-2023 and is part of the system of union relations governed by the specific collective labor agreement.

As far as content is concerned, the positive results achieved by the company have led to an increasing redefinition of the amount of the competitiveness bonus for future years. The bonus will be commensurate on the basis of traditional production, financial and qualitative indicators, then noting the individual's contribution to the achievement of results.

The news does not only concern the economic treatment, but also other aspects such as training, parenting and sustainability. For example, new training modules have been introduced for employees, not attributable to the job performed but aimed at increasing people's involvement in the company's activities, values ​​and history.

It is "an unprecedented understanding for the workers of the Prancing Horse”, is the immediate comment of the general secretary Fim Cisl Marco Bentivogli. In detail, explains the union, the bonus includes equal advances for all years of 4.600 euros in three tranches on the salary portion, of which 2.000 euros in February, 1.300 in June, 1.300 in October and the balance in April of the following year until to 8.000 euros (with zero absences the bonus reaches 107%).

The agreement also provides, upon reaching 11.500 cars and the maximum economic indicator, that the bonus can reach 107%, or 13.400 euros for everyone. “The agreement reached in Ferrari represents a great result in terms of industrial relations for the entire Fim Cisl team who worked for months to reach this extraordinary agreement. An agreement that certifies that Ferrari is a champion on the track and within the company, a modality that should represent the heritage of the entire FCA Group", said Bentivogli, underlining that "the Competitiveness Award is among the highest in our sector, with a very high economic quantity”.

For the General Secretary of Fim Cisl Emilia Centrale Giorgio Uriti, Ferrari “represents an extraordinary wealth of well-being, growth and opportunities for the area. The agreement and the bonus are important not only in terms of wages and regulations, but above all they represent the recognition by the company that the growth in its value is mainly due to the extraordinary competence, availability and professionalism of the men and women of the Ferraris".
