
Self-driving Ferrari? For Elkann "it would be sad"

According to the President of Stellantis, in the future "autonomous driving will become predominant", but precisely for this Ferrari "must remain what it is"

Self-driving Ferrari? For Elkann "it would be sad"

Una Self-driving Ferrari? The suggestion evokes science fiction scenarios (or eighties TV series), but almost certainly will never give life to a concrete project. To veto is John Elkann himself: "A self-driving Ferrari would be sad - says the president of Stellantis - The spirit of Ferrari is precisely that of being able to drive it".

Elkann admits that in the future “autonomy and autonomous driving will become preponderant”, but also points out that, precisely in this context, “the value of human guidance will increase, and Ferrari is already well positioned”.

To explain himself, the president of Stellantis resorts to a nineteenth-century metaphor: "When we had horses and carriages there were horse racing, but when horses and carriages disappeared, horse racing continued and is still very popular today: this is why Ferrari it should continue to be what it is”.

Elkann participated on Friday in a debate with the founder of Tesla, Elon Musk, as part of the Italian Tech Week organized in Turin. The two also spoke of energy, agreeing on the need to focus on nuclear power. “In the long term we will be able to get to solar energy – said Musk – But I was surprised by the countries that have abandoned nuclear power: it is a safe technology. We must not close the power plants because they are not a danger. There are more dangers from the use of coal than from nuclear power”.

Along the same lines Elkann: “Nuclear power is a solution that we know, it already exists, it's safe, we should develop it further. China and India are increasingly using nuclear energy, this is an indication of what we should do. At the same time we must focus on alternative energies. Solar energy will also become increasingly central”, concluded the president of Stellantis.
