
FCA: green light for US workers to new contract

After the previous rejection, the workers of the American union Uaw have preliminarily approved the four-year collective agreement that FCA will apply in the main US plants.

FCA: green light for US workers to new contract

Excellent news from the United States for Fiat Chrylser Automobiles. According to what was announced by the UaW union, the largest trade union association in the US in the auto sector, the majority of registered workers would have said yes to the four-year collective agreement that will be applied in all FCA plants in America and will serve as a starting point for the negotiations of Ford and General Motors.

After the rejection of the first draft contract, the green light came from the workers of the largest plants, namely Kokomo (Indiana), Warren and Dundee (Michigan) and Belvidere (Illinois), which represent about a third of the 40 thousand Fiat employees who are union members.

The association also released the voting percentages: production workers voted yes with a majority of 77%, while more specialized workers gave their assent with a majority of 72%. 

We recall that last October 8 Uaw had called off a strike following an agreement in principle found between the two parties after the rejection of the first draft of the contract. The result of this first vote is not yet definitive, but paves the way for the final OK, which will authorize the union's leaders to negotiate with the other car manufacturers.
