
Farmers: the protest reaches the Government. The promises of Meloni and Salvini against

The Government makes promises, the tractor movement is less and less compact. The League asks Meloni to do more. The game remains open

Farmers: the protest reaches the Government. The promises of Meloni and Salvini against

When they sat down at the table Giorgia Meloni he had already developed the proposal for the revision of the Irpef increased by his Government. Yesterday's meeting with a delegation of farmers greatly reduced the reasons for the protest. « The exemption Personal income tax in past years it was an unfair measure and favored above all large entrepreneurs and companies with high business volumes. Our proposal is to help farmers who need it by limiting the Irpef exemption to agricultural and Sunday incomes that do not exceed 10 thousand euros » promised the prime minister, trying to make amends for the introduction of the Lollo tax. Future tax support will be on the incomes of farmers with limited turnover. It is the most interesting proposal to block the protests and quell the internal controversies within the majority with the League criticizing. But even within the movement there are different positions on how to proceed.

Sanremo off limits

Rai has maintained the point of not granting the stage of Festival of Sanremo to a representation, but only to have Amadesus read a joint statement.
The paths of the ecological transition have, therefore, shown at the government table the complexity of the decisions to be made in front of a supported sustainable perspective, as long as it does not touch the fundamentals of everyday life.

Italian agriculture has organized the media and street force to attack agricultural policy Pac.
«We realized late that it is a plan that favors large foreign companies» said a farmer the other evening at the Capua motorway checkpoint on the A1». But you want to have free rein pesticides what do they hurt? " It is not so. We want products imported from abroad not to have been treated with pesticides that we have not used for thirty years."

Tractors will not suddenly disappear from the streets, despite the commitments made Von der Leyen and to Meloni. It is undeniable that the acceptance of some demands has a strong electoral flavor. It obscures many steps of the green transition and of Europe's ambition to become the first green area in the world.

Irpef and more

the President of Confagricoltura Massimiliano Giansanti appreciated the objectives and priority program announced by the Government.
“We underlined that the restoration of the IRPEF exemption must concern all farmers, who have been in difficulty for some time due to the drop in prices at source, while production costs remain high”. Confagricoltura has presented proposals for the reduction of social security costs.

The Assembly of the organization which will call for a reform of the CAP will take place in Brussels on 26 February. If politics were to accept we would go back ten years. The sovereignists would like it.
