
Farewell to Franco Ferrarotti, the father of sociology in Italy: he was 98 years old but his vitality was impressive

Franco Ferrarotti, the father of sociology in Italy, has died at the age of 98. The list of his books, which he continued to write with lucidity and passion until the end, is endless. His interviews with FIRSTonline

Farewell to Franco Ferrarotti, the father of sociology in Italy: he was 98 years old but his vitality was impressive

At the age of 98, carried to the end with youthful boldness, he has passed away Franco Ferrarotti, Piedmontese, former member of parliament in the formation of Adriano Oliveti, of which he had been one of the closest collaborators, and above all father of sociology in Italy. The list of books he wrote is endless, as impressive were his vitality and intellectual lucidity until the very end.

FIRST online the regret for the passing of Ferrarotti is double because the great sociologist has always been a sincere admirer and a true friend of our online newspaper and because in the next few days a meeting was scheduled in his studio in Corso Trieste in Rome, so dusty and so full of history. Ferrarotti wanted to donate and illustrate his latest books, which until the end he had not failed to write with his usual lucidity and passion. We will miss him greatly. The most heartfelt condolences to the family from the Management and the Editorial Staff of FIRST online.

Here are some interviews of Ferrarotti at FIRST online:

Read "Ferrarotti attacks: "Italy is stuck in the times of Andreotti: power does not decide but only tries to get by and Meloni is floating"

Read "Ferrarotti: “Covid is like war but we hope for a surge of vitality"
