
Facebook and Yahoo! they have reached an agreement on the patents and will start a partnership

For more than a month this "war" between Facebook and Yahoo! – However, since June, after the resignation of CEO Scott Thompson, which fueled the clash against Facebook, an agreement has been sought that has finally arrived.

Facebook and Yahoo! they have reached an agreement on the patents and will start a partnership

Finally Facebook and Yahoo! they found an agreement on the dispute started by the second, in particular by the former CEO Scott Thompson. His resignation in June gave a strong positive shock to seek an agreement with the Facebook counterpart.

The controversy arose from Yahoo! who accused Facebook of infringing 10 of its patents and moving to "patent trolls". The social network responded to the accusation by purchasing 750 (and another 650) patents from IBM and 275 patents purchased from Microsoft, which had just bought them from AOL.

The first step towards the end of this "conflict" between giants of the web world, was the search for an agreement for the respective granting and sharing of licenses that have been purchased by one or the other party. They will also collaborate for the distribution of content, for data management, for advertising and above all for large events.

After the resignation of CEO Thompson of Yahoo!, a great supporter of this war, it was easier to find an agreement with Facebook, since the purple search engine was without a real leader, but it seems there may already be a successor: Ross Levinsohn he is in fact ahead of Huli Jasn Kilar.

The details of the agreement are confidential: in fact, a payment formula is not foreseen from one of the two counterparties.


