
Made in Italy exports: May boom outside the EU (+37,6%)

Istat has estimated a cyclical increase with a trade balance of 4,2 billion – The trend, however, is still negative (-31,5% over the quarter) – Simest, meanwhile, is offering non-repayable subsidies of up to 40% on CDP loans

Made in Italy exports: May boom outside the EU (+37,6%)

In May 2020, theIstat update pixy for commercial exchanges with non-EU markets, a cyclical increase for exports equal to +37,6% and a slight decrease in imports equal to -2,4%. This good performance on a monthly basis of exports is mainly attributable to capital goods (+62,9%), intermediate goods (+27,1%) and non-durable consumer goods (+24,9%). We note the increase in foreign sales of durable consumer goods on a monthly basis (+188,9%) which, however, contributes only about 4 percentage points to the entire cyclical increase in exports: on the other hand, there is a sharp decline in the energy sector (-28,9%). On the import side, cyclical slowdowns were recorded for almost all the main sectors, in particular for energy (-16,9%) and consumer durables (-10,2%), while purchases of capital goods went into positive territory ( +13,6%).

Despite the growth recorded in May, in the last quarter the export trend remains negative, with a drop of -31,5%, given the declines of all industrial groupings, the most accentuated for durable consumer goods (-54,9%), energy (-42,7%) and capital goods (-41,3%). In the same period, also for imports the cyclical drop of -26,9% is generalized and is wider for energy (-51,3%), durable consumer goods (-49,3%) and capital goods (-33,5 .XNUMX%). Said this, the trade balance in May is estimated at +4,2 billion (against +4,3 billion in May 2019): the surplus in the trade of non-energy products decreases (from +7,8 billion to +5,2 billion).

In this scenario, since last June 15th the Benefits Committee, a body set up by Simest and chaired by the MiSE, introduced a grant of up to 40% on subsidized loans disbursed by the financial company controlled by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. In the case of projects to enter foreign markets, it is reduced to 20% which can correspond to a maximum amount of 100.000 euros. The current limits imposed will pass to a quota of 50% and a ceiling of 800.000 euros as soon as the European Commission gives the go-ahead for the application of the temporary framework on state aid. The entire procedure takes place online by accessing the SACE SIMEST portal dedicated. A series of measures present in the CD were also approved. Relaunch Decree, aimed at strengthening the subsidized loans granted under the 394 Fund, which for the current year has a total budget of 600 million euros, to which are added 300 million for the non-repayable co-financing shares. Among other incentives recently activated, please note the exemption from the presentation of guarantees by companies to access loans, a measure that will remain in force throughout 2020 and which allows companies to receive the requested loan within about a month of starting the application.
